Thursday, July 26, 2012

Who are these children coming down,

Coming down like gentle rain from darkened skies,

With glory trailing from their feet as they come,

And endless promise in their eyes…….(Saturday’s Day Warrior)

When I was a kid, we had a huge stereo in our family room. With speakers that were probably close to 3 feet high on the opposite sides of the room. You know the kind, very 70’s – in fact they are probably hip again. My parents would often wake me up, especially when I was a teenager, with loud music blaring from the stereo – The BYU fight song or Barry Manilow were some of their favorites.  Nothing like a little Copacabana  at volume 10 to get you moving in the morning. 
I loved that stereo system – I would put on my favorites and then lie down in front of the speaker, and push my head right up against the sound. Singing my little heart out until my mom or dad could not take another minute of it. Not that I was a bad singer, I would just play the same songs over and over, until I knew every single word by heart. Saturdays Day warrior was one of my favorites, and seemed an appropriate intro for my blog today.

Last night we had a moment like that. A singing your heart out moment! We were riding home from a softball game, me with my Ztoli and Happy Toli in tow (Z is for ZHenya – for Ztoli reminds us very much of her) James had turned on the CD’s that were in his truck – when a song came over the stereo that my orphans recognized.  It was the Rihanna/Eminem’s  I love the way you lie – Both of the Toli’s leaned forward with urgency in their voices – Stop, Stop – James looks back, and obliges– going back to the song, and turning it up nice and loud.
In a very spontaneous moment, I look back to see all 3 boys, Jackson included singing the chorus of that song with all of their little hearts. Ztoli partly out the window singing to the traffic, Happy Toli eyes closed singing and swaying side to side, Jackson smiling ear to ear, and doing the same.  It was infectious Kennedy and I breaking into full singing with James joining in next! We were a merry little group, with all the windows down, in James jacked up F250 – Flying down the freeway – Giving Rihanna a run for her money.

As the song ended we were pulling into Harmons to get some grocery’s and the boys had no desire to go in and pick up food – Instead – all the kids stayed in the truck, and listened to the song, over and over, and over again. Last night about 12:30 am I was finally getting to bed, when I heard the song coming up from the family room– They had taken the CD into the house, and were listening to it still – So I walked downstairs to tell them – “alright, that’s enough” – and instead found 3 boys crowded around the stereo fast asleep.
As I write this I am watching both the boys sit on the couch with Zhenya - asking her phrases in English so they can write them down and practice them – The last phrase that they asked her was – How do you say? “What a wonderful day!”  

** Tonight we attended a BBQ that was hosted by a family in our neighborhood. This BBQ was to showcase the kids to prospective parents- To say that the response was underwhelming would not do it justice – There were maybe 3 families interested in adopting that attended. Please continue your efforts in forwarding this blog – Your magic seems to be working!!! through your efforts, 4 potential families have contacted me, and 2 additional host families may have been located – With the energy growing by the minute!!!
Much Love - Jenn
If you are looking to help in anyway please contact me at:

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer, You are the perfect host family for these darling Kids!! Thanks for all your efforts, we will keep passing on the blogs!
