Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The News

Why does news always start with a phone call? It doesn’t seem to matter if it’s good or bad – The phone is the way it is delivered. This news started with a phone call – The phone rang, I of course looked down and checked it (thank heaven for caller id) it was Keaton. I checked the time again – yes, it really was 7:30 a.m. his time – This must be something terrible (I read this and think – my goodness Jenn, you are such a pessimist) I pick up the phone and hold my breath. “Hey” I say trying to sound calm, “What’s up?” – but the chip and bite are in my tone – he hears it immediately, and to make matters worse he has news to deliver that he desperately wants me to be “okay” with – happy about it is simply beyond his ability to get his head around at this point. “Mom is this a good time, because I have something to tell you, and this conversation might take a while, so is this a good time?” Right! Like after that opener I am going to tell him that I am awfully busy and important and can he just call me back later – Of course now is a good time – I brace myself and think, well he is alive - so scratch that off the list, what’s next – did he get thrown out of the program – that seems unlikely – I mean he just got back home from his short visit here – goodness the suspense is killing me (all .001 seconds of it) and as he begins to speak, I know the answer already – cut to the previous Friday

Keaton was in town for a whopping 5 days. On “leave” from his language program – we were so excited and waited with anticipation at the airport when he landed at 10 p.m. Jackson already up 30 minutes past his bedtime, and jockeying with Tim for position on who would get to hug Keaton first! – Tim and Patcee had made the hour long trek to the airport this late because, after all, it was Keaton!! Finally he walked guitar in hand, through the security corridor, only to be met by Jackson who nearly knocked him down with the force of his hug. Jackson beamed, his big brother was home! Although we had all eaten at the regular dinner hour – we immediately adjourned to the local Denny’s to giggle and laugh, catch up, and soak him in. He was wearing Army issue glasses, “that will simply not due”, we thought (well me, Patcee and Tim – thought – mental note: fix that first thing in the morning) but he was thinner, and buffer and seemed very happy – so we were happy and the evening went well past all of our bedtimes – but we didn’t care – Keaton’s Home!!! When we finally made it back to the house – I had to promise Jackson that “yes – Keaton will be here in the morning” before I could convince him to close his eyes and go to sleep, morning would come very quickly for that boy.

But I digress – back to the Friday prior. We were at a movie – well Keaton, Kennedy, James and I were - the long awaited premier of a movie that we hoped to laugh a lot at. I was taking a trip to the bathroom (precautionary really) and as I rounded the corner back to the theater, there was Keaton, his back to me, on his cell phone, leaving someone a message. I mistakenly thought for a moment he must be making plans for after the movie with his friends, but then I caught his tone, and it was not a friend tone, it had intimacy in it, love and want, with a definite “missing you” mixed in - this was different, this was his girl, he had just started to leave the message and I could hear in his words what had not been discussed with me, Keaton was in love. As I continued to walk to the theater I passed by him and feigned interest in something ahead of me, he turned to see me walk past him, and lowered his voice – this message was just for her. I knew in that moment that I had lost my boy. I was definitely never going to be the woman in his life again.

I was able to push that thought back out of my head for the movie – and we did laugh, and laugh some more – but when he had left for the evening with his friends, the thought came back, and I had a chance to kind of walk around in it in my head. Keaton was gone, oh sure he would always love me, but the thing that we all hope for, for our children, had happened – he was in love – and his heart now belonged to her. Until that happens you can’t really know what a mix of sadness and joy takes place. I was sad because Keaton had been not only my son, but one of my best friends in the world. We had been through thick (really thick, and even thicker) and thin together. But I felt overwhelming joy because love is the end game, it is all there is really, finding, sharing in and having love – the rest really is just noise.

And so that night I decided that prior to Keaton going back to California I need to talk to him, and let him know it was “okay” – not that he needed my permission – but as connected as Keaton and I are – I wanted to make sure I was never the person in the way of what he wanted in life. That morning, before he needed to go to the airport, I walked down the stairs and went into the kitchen where he and James were eating breakfast. From the safety of behind the countertop I looked at him and said – “I need to tell you something” – big tears immediately filled my eyes, and I took a moment to steady my voice in vain – Keaton looked at me choking back his own tears – he didn’t even know what I was going to say – but whenever I get teary, he gets teary – and then I said it – “I know that you’re in love, and I want you to know, it’s okay!” tears were now streaming down my face “I am sure that if you love her, I will love her, because after all, like energy attracts like energy, and so she is probably as wonderful as you” – Keaton looked at me, a mixture of relief and concern for my heart on his face – Stood up, walked over to me, and wrapped him huge arms around me, while I blubbered into his shoulder –“Mom, you know I will love you forever – it will be okay” I answered “Shut up – I’m serious” while James looked over from the kitchen table trying to act like this very private moment between a mother and her son wasn’t going on in the same room as him, burying his face in his computer, and give warning looks at Jackson – like “stay out of this – this is bigger than you and I”

And so when Keaton began to speak and I heard the next words come out of his mouth – I did think – Holy Moly – that was fast, but I wasn’t completely surprised – “Mom, June and I are getting married” (her name isn’t actually June – It’s Kirsten – but that is for another day) he was talking quickly now, trying to get it all out and over to me, like ripping off a band aid, “And we are doing it at the end of June and I would really like it like it if you would come” – There it was, Keaton is getting married – Are you happy for me mom? There was so much hope in his voice – “Yes Keaton I am happy for you” – of course there was negotiating at this point for time – how does one get married in 30 days – but they aren’t looking for a big wedding with 3000 of their closest friends – they just want to start their lives together. Now!! – there is the urgency of Now, when you are in the Army.

And so I am pleased to announce that we are getting another daughter – Kirsten June –She is amazing, smart, beautiful, talented and best of all loves Keaton and makes him incredibly happy. Of, course – we all have our fingers crossed that she will love and adore us as well. My whole goal in life is to just be a great mother-in-law, and do my best not to meddle, take over, or control things (completely counter-intuitive – I know) The Good News is Keaton and Kirsten are getting married!! To a future of love and happily ever after!!


  1. JENN as always you touch my heart bring tears to my eyes because I can relate. I wish you, Keaton and your new daughter all the best!!
    As I read each post I realize that we are really much more alike than you ever guessed. We met in passing but I could have coffee or drinks with you and feel like long lost friends. I guess we can thank Brian, Richy and brad for having good taste in girlfriends. Cheers to another great post!!

  2. Wow! THAT IS VERY EXCITING! Congrats "little" Keaton...I love to read your stories, BTW. Send him our love!!!

  3. Jennifer--I really shouldn't be crying my eyes out at 7 in the morning!

  4. Keaton has always had a huge heart - huge enough to include all of us in the many parts that make the whole. Love and marriage is right for Keaton and his June. We are happy and know that all is good. Congrats :-) Send him and June our love and hugs. ~ Pam & Eileen

  5. I am exceedingly happy that Keaton has found his "love," but I must admit I'm a bit sad there will not be a grand celebration. Powers know how to put on a wedding! That is just my own selfish desire to be invited to a fabulous gathering, but I am most happy for Keaton. Of course the sentiments expressed had me teary- my boys will some day love another woman more than me?!?! It's hard to bear the thought...
